Preprocess images for deep learning

MIRP can be used to preprocess images for deep learning. Images are processed using the standard image
processing workflow that is compliant with Image Biomarker Standardisation Initiative (IBSI), with a final cropping
step (if any).

The deep learning preprocessing function comes in two versions:

* :func:`~mirp.deep_learning_preprocessing.deep_learning_preprocessing`: conventional function that processes images.
* :func:`~mirp.deep_learning_preprocessing.deep_learning_preprocessing_generator`: generator that yields processed images.


MIRP can be used to crop images, e.g. to make them conform to the input of convolutional neural networks:

.. code-block:: python

    from mirp import deep_learning_preprocessing

    processed_data = deep_learning_preprocessing(
        image="path to image",
        mask="path to mask",
        crop_size=[50, 224, 224]

API documentation
.. automodule:: mirp.deep_learning_preprocessing