Preprocess images for deep learning =================================== MIRP can be used to preprocess images for deep learning. Images are processed using the standard image processing workflow that is compliant with Image Biomarker Standardisation Initiative (IBSI), with a final cropping step (if any). The deep learning preprocessing function comes in two versions: * :func:`~mirp.deep_learning_preprocessing.deep_learning_preprocessing`: conventional function that processes images. * :func:`~mirp.deep_learning_preprocessing.deep_learning_preprocessing_generator`: generator that yields processed images. Example ------- MIRP can be used to crop images, e.g. to make them conform to the input of convolutional neural networks: .. code-block:: python from mirp import deep_learning_preprocessing processed_data = deep_learning_preprocessing( image="path to image", mask="path to mask", crop_size=[50, 224, 224] ) API documentation ----------------- .. automodule:: mirp.deep_learning_preprocessing :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: