General design

The overall design of MIRP is divided into three layers, as shown in the figure below.


The most visible layer to the user is formed by the functions that are part of the public API. These functions, such as extract_features and extract_mask_labels, form entry points that revolve around specific tasks.

The second layer is still public, but rarely directly addressed by users. This layer consists of import routines for images and masks, as well as settings. The functions from the first, fully public layer, pass arguments to these functions. Internally, these functions create objects that are then used in the calling function.

  • import_images creates ImageFile objects, or subclasses thereof. These are found in the mirp._data_import module.

  • import_masks creates MaskFile objects, or subclasses thereof. Like ImageFile (from which MaskFile inherits), these objects are defined in the mirp._data_import module.

  • import_images_and_masks creates both ImageFile and MaskFile objects (or subclasses thereof). import_images_and_masks also associates ImageFile objects with their corresponding MaskFile objects.

  • import_configuration_settings creates SettingsClass objects, which itself contains several underlying objects for configuring various steps in workflows (more on workflows below). These object classes are defined in the mirp.settings module.

The third layer is fully abstracted from the user. deep_learning_preprocessing and extract_features (and similar functions) all work by first determining which data to load (import_images_and_masks) and how to process them (import_configuration_settings). Based on the data and processing parameters, a workflow object (StandardWorkflow) is created for each image with its associated masks. Depending on processing parameters (e.g. multiple rotations) multiple workflow objects may be created instead. Each workflow defines a single experiment, containing the relevant parameters and with a specific imaging dataset to import and process.

After creating workflow objects, deep_learning_preprocessing calls their deep_learning_conversion methods, whereas extract_features and co. call their standard_extraction methods. Internally, both first access the standard_image_processing generator method, which performs image processing according to a pipeline that is compliant with the Image Biomarker Standardisation Initiative. This pipeline starts by loading the image and its mask(s) using read_images_and_masks. It then converts them to their internal representations: GenericImage (and subclasses) and BaseMask objects, respectively. standard_image_processing then relies on methods of these objects for further image and mask processing. Finally, if filter is to be applied to an image, the workflow’s transform_images method is called.

After yielding the processed (and transformed) images, the standard_image_processing generator stops. The deep_learning_conversion method then performs some final processing of the yielded images and masks, notably cropping to the desired output format, if specified. extract_images directly yields the processed images and masks. extract_features and extract_features_and_images do a bit more work. Features are computed from each image and each associated mask using the workflow’s _compute_radiomics_features method.


MIRP contains several submodules. The following submodules are part of the public API:

  • data_import: Contains the import_image, import_mask and import_image_and_mask functions that are used for organising the available image and mask data.

  • settings: Contains functions and class definitions related to configuring workflows, e.g. image processing and feature computation.

  • utilities: Contains various utility functions.

The bulk of MIRPs functionality is located in private submodules:

  • _data_import: Contains classes for image and mask files and modalities.

  • _featuresets: Contains functions and classes involved in computing features.

  • _image_processing: Contains functions that help process images. Most of these internally use methods associated with GenericImage (and subclasses) as well as BaseMask that are defined in the _images and _masks submodules respectively.

  • _imagefilters: Contains classes for various convolutional filters and function transformations.

  • _images: Contains classes that form the internal image representation, divided by image modality.

  • _masks: Contains classes that form the internal mask representation.

  • _workflows: Contains workflow-related class definitions, importantly the StandardWorkflow class that facilitates image and mask processing and feature computation.


Feature computation is called from StandardWorkflow._compute_radiomics_features. At the moment feature computation is mostly functional, and organised by feature family.

Future directions

Feature computation is currently family-based, i.e. an entire family of features is computed at once. It may be preferable to move to a more directive-based approach by treating feature as an object. There are no current direct benefits to doing so, and would make feature computation a bit harder to program to avoid doing unnecessary work. For example, computation of a grey level co-occurrence matrix feature relies on two prior steps: discretisation and computing the GLCM. This would mean that feature objects have to be sorted by discretisation required, and the set of parameters.

A directive-based approach would have at least the following two advantages:

  • Features can be exported with metadata, instead of just their values. These metadata could include their IBSI identifiers of the features, as well as processing-related metadata that are currently included in the feature name. This would make it easier to export structured reports of image data.

  • Features can be defined that are not generated by default, e.g. different intensity-volume histogram features.


All filters are implemented as objects, defined in the _imagefilters submodule. The filters themselves are accessed in the StandardWorkflow.transform_images method, yielding specific transformed image objects (defined in _images.transformed_images).

Future directions

We are generally happy with the current implementation of image filters. It is relatively straightforward to implement new filters should there be a need.

Internal image representation

All internal image representations derive from _images.generic_image.GenericImage, which implements general methods. These objects are created by the read_image and read_image_and_masks functions, that process ImageFile objects by first converting them to the internal format using ImageFile.to_object (or override methods of subclasses), and then promoting them to the correct image modality-specific subclass using the GenericImage.promote method.

These modality-specific subclasses allow for implementing modality-specific processing steps and parameters. For example, bias-field correction is only implemented for MRImage objects. As another example, subclasses such as CTImage override the get_default_lowest_intensity method to provide modality-specific default values.

MaskImage also derives from GenericImage, and is designed to contain mask information. Its implementation is comparatively extensive because it contains or overrides methods that act upon masks specifically. One notable aspect of MaskImage is that the mask data are typically run-length encoded, and only decoded upon use, to provide better memory utilisation.

Future directions

The current implementation of internal image representations is sufficient. It is relatively straightforward to implement objects for new image modalities, for which existing classes such as CTImage and PETImage can be used as templates.

Some objects may receive additional attributes to represent relevant metadata on the value representations, e.g. the type of SUV conversion used to create a PETImage.

In addition, all internal image representations are volumetric. They contain a merged stack of image slices. However, in rare occasions, the original input data may contain image slices that are not equidistant, i.e. with variable slice spacing. It is safer to handle DICOM imaging, prior to resampling (interpolation in StandardWorkflow.standard_image_processing), as a stack of separate slices.

Internal mask representation

Masks are internally represented by _masks.base_mask.BaseMask. BaseMask objects are containers for the actual masks, which are _images.mask_image.MaskImage. In fact, each BaseMask contains up to three variants of masks, notably the original mask, the morphological mask and the intensity mask. Whereas the original mask and morphological mask are currently direct

Future directions

The current implementation of internal image representations is sufficient.