Extract image metadata

Image metadata, such as acquisition and reconstruction parameters, are interesting to report. To facilitate their reporting, MIRP can automatically extract relevant parameters from metadata.


Many relevant parameters can only extracted from DICOM files, because other file types lack the corresponding metadata.


Parameters of a single image can be extracted from their metadata as follows:

from mirp import extract_image_parameters

image_parameters = extract_image_parameters(
    image="path to image"

API documentation

mirp.extract_image_parameters.extract_image_parameters(image, sample_name: None | str | list[str] = None, image_name: None | str | list[str] = None, image_file_type: None | str = None, image_modality: None | str | list[str] = None, image_sub_folder: None | str = None, stack_images: str = 'auto', write_dir: None | str | Path = None) DataFrame | None[source]

Extract parameters related to image acquisition and reconstruction from images. Not all metadata may be available.

  • image (Any) – A path to an image file, a path to a directory containing image files, a path to a config_data.xml file, a path to a csv file containing references to image files, a pandas.DataFrame containing references to image files, or a numpy.ndarray.

  • sample_name (str or list of str, default: None) – Name of expected sample names. This is used to select specific image files. If None, no image files are filtered based on the corresponding sample name (if known).

  • image_name (str, optional, default: None) – Pattern to match image files against. The matches are exact. Use wildcard symbols (“*”) to match varying structures. The sample name (if part of the file name) can also be specified using “#”. For example, image_name = ‘#_*_image’ would find John_Doe in John_Doe_CT_image.nii or John_Doe_001_image.nii. File extensions do not need to be specified. If None, file names are not used for filtering files and setting sample names.

  • image_file_type ({"dicom", "nifti", "nrrd", "numpy", "itk"}, optional, default: None) – The type of file that is expected. If None, the file type is not used for filtering files. “itk” comprises “nifti” and “nrrd” file types.

  • image_modality ({"ct", "pet", "pt", "mri", "mr", "rtdose", "generic"}, optional, default: None) – The type of modality that is expected. If None, modality is not used for filtering files. Note that only DICOM files contain metadata concerning modality.

  • image_sub_folder (str, optional, default: None) – Fixed directory substructure where image files are located. If None, the directory substructure is not used for filtering files.

  • stack_images ({"auto", "yes", "no"}, optional, default: "str") – If image files in the same directory cannot be assigned to different samples, and are 2D (slices) of the same size, they might belong to the same 3D image stack. “auto” will stack 2D numpy arrays, but not other file types. “yes” will stack all files that contain 2D images, that have the same dimensions, orientation and spacing, except for DICOM files. “no” will not stack any files. DICOM files ignore this argument, because their stacking can be determined from metadata.

  • write_dir (str or Path, optional, default: None) – Directory to which the table with image acquisition and reconstruction metadata is written. Image metadata are written to image_metadata.csv in this directory.


The functions returns a table with metadata (write_dir = None) or nothing.

Return type:

pd.DataFrame | None